company news-j9游会真人游戏第一品牌

compnay news - globalization
ambassador zhang qiyue : fuyao shows u.s.-china cooperation can be mutually benefit

ambassador zhang qiyue : fuyao shows u.s.-china cooperation can be mutually benefit

zhang qiyue expressed that fuyao created a miracle in a short time.

2018-04-20 4658

fuyao first windshield collected by museum

fuyao glass america and dayton history unveiled the first windshield made at fuyao's newly refitted moraine plant. the commemorative windshield was signed thursday by community member, including fuyoa chairman cao dewang during the ceremony and will be placed in the museum next to a white gmc envoy, the last truck produced at the general motors moraine assembly plant.

2015-07-24 3117

750 more jobs due at dayton-area auto-glass plant

fuyao decides to expand into aftermarket products

2015-01-14 3177