fuyao announcement
[overseas regulatory announcement - other]an announcement has just been published by the issuer in the chinese section of this website, a corresponding version of which may or may not be published in this section.
[overseas regulatory announcement - other]an announcement has just been published by the issuer in the chinese section of this website, a corresponding version of which may or may not be published in this section.
[overseas regulatory announcement - other]an announcement has just been published by the issuer in the chinese section of this website, a corresponding version of which may or may not be published in this section.
[continuing connected transaction]the continuing connected transactions under the 2018 supply of goods framework agreements and the 2018 distribution agreements
[continuing connected transaction]continuing connected transaction in relation to leasing of production plant by fuyao europe
[re-election or appointment of director subject to shareholders' approval / change in directors or of important executive functions or responsibilities / change in supervisors]proposed election of members of the ninth session of the board of directors and