fuyao announcement-j9游会真人游戏第一品牌

fuyao announcement
2021-05-13 [overseas regulatory announcement - other] an announcement has just been published by the issuer in the chinese section of this website, a corresponding version of which may or may not be published in this section
2021-05-13 proxy form for use at the 2020 annual general meeting
2021-05-13 [other] circular of the 2020 annual general meeting
2021-05-10 [others] next day disclosure return
2021-05-10 [placing / issue of shares under a specific mandate] completion of placing of new h shares under specific mandate
2021-05-10 [overseas regulatory announcement - other] an announcement has just been published by the issuer in the chinese section of this website, a corresponding version of which may or may not be published in this section